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Patanjali Mustard Oil 1L


Patanjali Mustard Oil 1L is highly recommended for the reason that it is full of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA). According to a study done by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, including mustard oil in your regular diet could prove to be beneficial to your heart health. Mustard oil has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral properties. Its external, as well as internal usage, is said to help in multiple ways to fight against infections, including digestive tract infections. Mustard oil, because of its anti-microbial properties, it is used as a preservative for pickles. Mustard oil has oleic acid and linoleic acid which are essential fatty acids that make it a good hair tonic. Hair massage with this oil is said to increase blood circulation and promote hair growth

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Patanjali Mustard Oil 1L ingredients: Mustard (Brassica Nigra ) Seed Oil.

Nutritional Value per 100g:

  •   Energy / Energie                             3757 kj
  •  Proteins                                               0g
  •  Carbohydrate                                    0g
  • – Sugar / Zucker                                       0g
  • Total Fat                                              99.8g
  •  – Saturated Fat / Gesättigtes Fett        5.54g
  •   – Trans Fat / Transfett                          0g  
  •   Sodium / Natrium                          0mg
  •   Salt                                                       0g 


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